
North Korea celebrates Kim Jong-il's 70th birthday - in pictures

North Korea celebrates the 70th birthday of Kim Jong-il with a parade and a concert. The country's former leader died in December

Senior North Korean officials including new leader Kim Jong-un watch the parade of thousands of soldiers as North Korea commemorated the 70th birthday of Kim Jong-il, shown in a giant portrait in the background, in Pyongyang, North Korea
New North Korean leader Kim Jong-un walks past senior military officers as he leaves the stands at Kumsusan Memorial Palace in Pyongyang after reviewing a parade of thousands of soldiers
North Korean soldiers salute as civilians bow beneath a large portrait of the country's late leader Kim Jong-il to commemorate his death and what would have been his 70th birthday
North Koreans lay flowers at Kim-Il Sung Square beneath a large portrait of the late leader Kim Jong-il
North Korean women soldiers chant at the ceremony
Fireworks explode over North Korean soldiers lined up in formation at Kumsusan Memorial Palace
North Korean soldiers at Kumsusan Memorial Palace in Pyongyang during the parade
A North Korean soldier smiles from the back of an army vehicle during the parade
North Koreans applaud as a large screen shows a portrait of the late North Korean leader Kim Jong-il, during a concert
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un applauds after the parade commemorating his father's birthday