
Somalia conflict intensifies - in pictures

As heavy fighting breaks out in Mogadishu, Somalis flee the war and famine in the country and refugees in the capital face the danger of bomb attacks by insurgents

A Ugandan soldier serving with the African Union Mission in Somalia stands as a tank passes following an advance with the Somali National Army to capture Mogadishu University in insurgent territory
A Ugandan soldier with troops from the Somali army

An African Union soldier guards in an armoured vehicle in the capital, Mogadishu
Somalis are seen through a cracked windshield of an armored vehicle belonging to the AUM

A food distribution centre in Hodan, Mogadishu
A mother holds her baby and an empty container ready as they queue for food

A displaced Somali child peers from a makeshift shelter
A boy gestures towards a soldier from the African Union peacekeeping force

Displaced Somali children wait for food-aid rations at a distribution centre

Nasteho Hassan Mohyadin, 3, beside a makeshift tent in a camp for those displaced
A Somali immigrant at the Lyster Barracks detention centre in Hal Far, outside Valletta, Malta
Somali immigrants make a telephone call at the detention centre in Hal Far
Somali immigrants wrap themselves in blankets in the common room