
Egyptians mark one year anniversary of the revolution - in pictures

Thousands gather in Tahrir Square in Cairo to mark the first anniversary of the uprising that ousted President Hosni Mubarak

Demonstrators take part in a protest marking the first anniversary of Egypt's uprising at Tahrir square in Cairo
Egyptians gather in Tahrir Square
An Egyptian child at the rally
An Egyptian man chants slogans
Egyptians wear face paint in the colours of the national flag
Demonstrators take part in the protest
A man holds up a newspaper with a photo of the opening session of parliament
Many people are despondent at the gap between their hopes last year at the time of the revolution and the reality of how little has changed since
Men stand on a post as Egyptians gather in Tahrir Square
An Egyptian man weeps during the rally in Tahrir Square
Protesters gathered around a giant Syrian national flag and Egyptian flags in Tahrir square
Protesters in Tahrir Square
Protesters wear masks depicting slain Coptic activist Mina Daniel while carrying a banner picturing Egypt's military rulers and ousted President Hosni Mubarak as they march in the suburb of Shobra
Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood's Elder Safwat Hegazy is carried through Tahrir Square
Flags in Tahrir Square